
The IPAG Business School, Rice UniversityTelfer School of Management - University of Ottawa, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and University of Bern are proud to announce the 11th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (#IRMBAM-2022) that will take place ONLINE.


This will be an excellent networking opportunity for academics, doctoral students, and practitioners to present new research results, and discuss current and challenging issues in various management and finance fields:

  • Track 1: Accounting/Financial Accounting
  • Track 2: Banking, Corporate Governance and Finance
  • Track 3: Entrepreneurship
  • Track 4: Strategic Management
  • Track 5: Marketing
  • Track 6: Law and Management
  • Track 7: Operations, Supply Chain Management and Circular Economy
  • Track 8: Organizational Behavior, Communication and Information Systems
  • Track 9: Theoretical and Applied Economics
  • Special Session Bankers, Markets & Investors


Keynote Speakers

#IRMBAM-2022 is honored to welcome a Distinguished Keynote Speaker

Henrich Greve
Professor of Entrepreneurship, INSEAD, Singapore & Editor in Chief of Administrative Science Quarterly
Henrich R. Greve is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and the Rudolf and Valeria Maag Chaired Professor in Entrepreneurship at INSEAD. He holds a PhD in Organisational Behaviour and MA in Sociology from the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University.

Henrich's research focuses on the causes and consequences of strategic change in organisations, and he also studies organisational innovations and founding and growth of organisations in young industries. He has published over 80 articles in leading journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, American Journal of Sociology, and Management Science. He has co-authored the book Network Advantage: How to Unlock Value from Your Alliances and Partnerships (Jossey-Bass, 2013) and authored the book Organizational Learning from Performance Feedback: A Behavioral Perspective on Innovation and Change (Cambridge University Press, 2003).
Henrich is the editor of Administrative Science Quarterly where he has previously been an Associate Editor, and has also served as a Senior Editor of Organization Science. He has been a joint guest editor at Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Advances in Strategic Management, Research in the Sociology of Work, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations. He has served as the Program Chair and Division Chair of the Organisation and Management Theory (OMT) Division at the Academy of Management.
His business and policy presentations include the World Knowledge Forum in Seoul, Korea, and the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of New Champions in Tianjin, China.


Authors are invited to submit their full papers in English* in PDF file, no later than May 15,  2022, by midnight Paris time, via the conference website: http://ipag-irm.sciencesconf.org/submission/submit

Papers presented at the conference will be recommended for submissions to special issues of associated journals such as Emerging Markets, Finance & Trade, Risk Management and Journal of Innovation Economics and Management. More information can be found on the conference’s website. 

*Papers in French can be accepted and will be presented in specific sessions.

For a PDF version of the Call for papers, please click here.

Conference Co-chairs

Tra Tran, IPAG Business School, France

Ted Loch-Temzelides, Rice University, United States

Philp Mcilkenny, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Canada

Patrick Musso, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France


Important Dates

Submission deadline (full paper)
15 May, 2022 (midnight Paris time)

Notification of review results
31 May, 2022

Registration deadline
12 June, 2022 (midnight Paris time)

Conference event
7 - 9 July 2022



Special Issue of Bankers, Markets & Investors under the Guest-editorship of Prof. Duc Khuong Nguyen, Prof. Charalampos Stasinakis, Prof. Hans-Jörg von Mettenheim, and Prof. Ioannis Psaradellis. See Call for papers for more details. 

Numéro spécial dans la revue Gestion 2000dirigé par Prof. Maria Giuseppina Bruna, membre du Comité éditorial de la revue. Thème : « Dans les brumes de la post-modernité. Enjeux RSE, management inclusif et soutenabilité dans l’entreprise à l’ère (post-)COVID ».

Special Issue of Journal of Economics and Development under the Advisory Editors of Prof. Duc Khuong Nguyen, Assoc. Prof. Rabindra Nepal and Dr. Le Thanh Ha. See Call for papers for more details.

Special issue of Journal of African Business under the Guest Editors of Prof. Maria Giuseppina Bruna, Prof. Mahamadou Biga Diambeidou, Prof. Dt Ogilvie, Prof. Jean-Paul Tchankam, and Prof. Ababacar Mbengue. See Call for papers for more details. 

In consultation with the conference organizers and the Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Emerging MarketsThe Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Management of Environmental Qualityand La Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle (RFGI) authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their papers to a regular issue of these journals.





						Afficher Vol. 35 No 1 (2021)

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