Instructions for participants

Note for presenters:

1. Make sure you have the following: a laptop or desktop with a microphone and webcam, a recent version of Chrome or Firefox and Zoom app, and a strong internet connection. We recommend wearing earbuds or headphones to prevent audio echoes.

2. Please send your presentation slides to us ( before the presentation day as a backup plan. Please name your file as <Day>_<Session number>_<Name of Presenter>, e.g., Thu_A2.1_Thuy DAO.

3. Please control your own presentation material which should be loaded on your desktop/ laptop in advance. When it is your turn to present, you will need to share your file or your screen.

4. If you have any technical issues whilst you are presenting, please don’t panic. We have a copy of your presentation as a backup, so we can load it up for you in the event of any technical difficulties.  

5. Keep the presentation on time. Each presentation is generally allowed for 15 minutes. Each Q&A discussion is allowed for up to 10 minutes.

Notes on your roles

Presenters: You have up to 15-minutes to present your paper, depending on the total number of papers in the session. Please use PowerPoint slides to support your presentation.

Discussants : You are encouraged to use PowerPoint slides to support your discussion of a paper. You are expected to discuss the presented paper in a constructive manner; highlight its contributions; point at its weak points; and make suggestions for improvement. Please limit your discussion to 5 minutes.

Session chairs: Your role is to introduce the presenters; and make sure that the session runs smoothly and time constraints are respected.


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