Previous conferences > IRMBAM-2014

5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management

As it becomes a tradition since 2010, this 5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM-2014) aims at bringing together international scholars, practitioners and policymakers sharing interests in the broad fields of management science including banking and finance, business strategy, marketing, risk and insurance, accounting, logistics, and organizational studies. It also provides a forum for presenting new research results as well as discussing current and challenging issues of the world economy that scholars are trying to solve.

The IRMBAM-2014 Organizing Committee is very pleased to invite you to submit papers in accounting, management, banking and finance areas for presentation. Your contribution to the IRMBAM-2014 as a presenter, discussant, and track chair will be greatly appreciated.

From this year onwards, the IRM organizes, in addition to possibly special sessions, regular tracks of academic research in the following areas:

  • Track 1: Accounting
  • Track 2: Entrepreneurship
  • Track 3: Management Strategy
  • Track 4: Banking, Insurance and Finance
  • Track 5: Marketing
  • Track 6: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Track 7: Environmental and Economic Management
  • Track 8: Economic and Management Issues in Southern Europe and Maghreb

In addition, a "Getting Published Workshop" will be held on the second day of the conference. Our invited journal editors will take you through the process, including topic selection, preemption checking, and submission and publicaiton strategies.





Gerard McElwee, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Sheffield Hallam University

Professor Gerard McElwee joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2012, having previously worked for Nottingham Trent University, the University of Lincoln and the University of Teesside. He is a visiting professor at the University of Vienna and is the Vice-President for Research for Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE). Gerard is the founding editor of the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Gerard's research interests are in Rural Entrepreneurship, Illegal Enterprise, Farm Enterprise and Village Sustainability. Gerard is involved with a number of projects related to rural entrepreneurship. He has published over 70 articles on entrepreneurship and rural enterprise in a number of international journals including: Entrepreneurship & amp, Regional Development, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Journal of Small Business Management, Local Economy, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Sociologia Ruralis. Gerard works with rural businesses and is currently working on a Farm Sustainability project in Mexico. He has ran numerous programmes for Small Rural Business owners, New farm entrants and farmers. He is interested in working with businesses who want to grow, develop their entrepreneurial skills and create employment.

Topic: Illegal Business Practices: Why Should Business and Management Scholars be Interested?

Bertrand Candelon, Maastricht University, Netherlands

Bertrand Candelon is a Professor, holding the chair in International Monetary Economics at Maastricht University. Before, he received a PhD from Universite Catholique de Louvain, and was Pierre and Marie Curie post-doctoral fellowship at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. He has been invited professor in numerous universities as the University of Orleans, Macquarie University in Sydney and City University of Hong-Kong. Bertrand’s research interests include the area of macroeconomics (Money demand, fiscal policy, raw commodities) and international finance (financial crisis early warning systems, the financial markets co-movements). He has published numerous works in leading academic journals such as Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Financial Econometrics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, and Review of International Economics. He is also consultant at the IMF (ICD African, Europe and Middle East divisions) and one of the founders of the Methods in International Finance Network.

Topic: Understanding Financial Crises: State of Art and Policy Options



Sabri BoubakerGroupe ESC Troyes en Champagne & University of Paris Est

Duc Khuong NguyenIPAG Business School & University Paris 1 

Frédéric Teulon, IPAG Business School



International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Journal of Management and Governance

Journal of Risk Finance

Management & Avenir

Thunderbird International Business Review

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A set of selected conference papers will be published in regular issues of the supporting journals. We express our sincere thanks to the journal editors for the trust they place in our upcoming conference.

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borsa_istanbul_logo.pngBorsa İstanbul Research Department is proud to be a supporter of the 5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management. In addition to this, Borsa İstanbul Research Department is going to organize ‘Borsa İstanbul Session’ in this conference hoping to share its expertise in the relevant field.  Since its establishment in 2012, Borsa İstanbul Research Department has been aiming to produce rigorous research to analyze the interactions between financial sector and macroeconomy and has widened its research scope to include new fields such as behavioral finance, real estate and Islamic Finance. Furthermore, Borsa Istanbul Research Department‘s quarterly journal Borsa İstanbul Review (formerly ISE review) is on the path to be one of the most outstanding journal among the finance and economics journals. As Borsa İstanbul Research Department, we strongly believe that 5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management is going to be a highly dynamic and productive platform where promising researchers and policymakers are going to come together, exchange their ideas and create innovative solutions to the current problems of the fields to be covered during the conference. 



  • Extended deadline for full paper submissions: May 18, 2014
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 15, 2014
  • Registration deadline: June 15, 2014
  • Conference event: July 7-8, 2014



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MONDAY, JULY 7, 2014

16:00 - 17:30

Track 1-A. Accounting and Finance I

Track 2-A. Entrepreneurship I

Track 3-A. Management Strategy I

Track 4-A. Financial Institutions

Track 4-B. Financial Intermediation and Empirical Banking

Track 4-C. Corporate Finance and Governance I    

Track 5-A. Multichannel Marketing and Communication Strategies

Track 8-A. Economic and Management Issues in Mediterranean Region I

18:00 - 19:30

Track 2-B: Entrepreneurship II

Track 3-B: Management Strategy II    

Track 3-C: Management Strategy III

Track 4-D: Financial Instruments and Fund Management

Track 4-E: Empirical Finance

Track 7-A: Pollutant Emissions, Commodity Prices, and Sustainable Development

Track 7-B. Environmental Economics and Management

Track 8-B: Economic and Management Issues in Mediterranean Region II


11:30 - 13:00

Borsa Istanbul Special Session    

Track 1-B: Accounting and Finance II

Track 2-C: Entrepreneurship III

Track 3-D: Management Strategy IV

Track 3-E: Management Strategy V

Track 4-F: Financial Modeling and Management

Track 4-G: Financial Markets, Efficiency and Risk Transmission

Track 4-H: Corporate Finance and Governance II

Track 6: Logistics and Supply Chain Management

14:00 - 15:15

Track 1-C. Accounting

Track 2-D. Entrepreneurship IV

Track 3-F. Management Strategy VI

Track 5-B. Consumer Behavior and Interactions

Track 5-C. Social E-commerce and Web 2.0

Track 7-C. Circular Economy

Track 7-D. Climate Change and Environmental Management

15:30 - 17:00

Track 3-G. Management Strategy V

Track 4-I. International and Corporate Finance

Track 4-J. Nonlinearities in International Financial Markets

Track 4-K. Corporate Financial Management

Track 5-D. Consumer Behavior in Services Marketing

Track 5-E. Social Media and Customer Relationship Management

Track 5-F. Organic Growth

Track 8-C. Economic and Management Issues in Mediterranean Region III

Track 8-D. Economic and Management Issues in Mediterranean Region IV

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