Previous conferences > IRMBAM-2019



You are cordially invited to submit your research papers for presentation at the 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (#IRMBAM-2019) that will take place on 8-10 July 2019 in Nice, the beautiful capital of the French Riviera and one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations.

The #IRMBAM-2019, co-organized by the IPAG Business SchoolSouth Champagne Business SchoolRice UniversityTelfer School of Management - University of OttawaUniversity of PadovaUniversity of Nice Sophia Antipolis and University of Bern will be an excellent networking opportunity for academics, doctoral students and practitioners to present new research results, and discuss current and challenging issues in their disciplines.


This will be an excellent networking opportunity for academics, doctoral students, and practitioners to present new research results, and discuss current and challenging issues in various management and finance fields:

  • Track 1: Accounting/Financial Accounting
  • Track 2: Banking, Insurance and Finance
  • Track 3: Entrepreneurship
  • Track 4: Strategic Management
  • Track 5: Marketing
  • Track 6: Law and Management
  • Track 7: Operations, Supply Chain Management and Circular Economy
  • Track 8: Organisational Behavior, Communication and Information Systems
  • Track 9: Management and Economics Issues in the Public Sector (and non-profit)
  • Track 10: Theoretical and Applied Economics 
  • Track 11: Technology and Innovation Management
  • Track 12: Geopolitics
  • Special Session on "Brands and Ethics" (call for papers)
  • Special Session "How to Do Better Research in Entrepreneurship?"
  • Special Session on "Emerging Markets Finance: Markets, Institutions and Money"
  • Special Session on "Public Private Cooperation and Value Creation" (call for papers)
  • Subconference in "Business Ethics, CSR and Diversity Management: Towards Social Inclusiveness, Environmental Efficiency and Global Sustainability" (call for papers)
  • Subconference in Family Business Research (call for papers)
  • Subconference in Environmental Economics

#IRMBAM-2019 is honored to welcome three Distinguished Keynote Speakers

Zoltan Acs
University Professor, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, United States & Editor-in-Chief of Small Business Economics
Jason D. Shaw
Shaw Foundation Chair in Business, Nanyang Business School, Singapore & Editor-in-chief of Academy of Management Journal
Alain Verbeke
Research Director of the Strategy and Organization Area, McCaig Research Chair in Management, University of Calgary, Canada & Editor in Chief of Journal of International Business Studies

Special Session on "Brands and Ethics"

Organizers: Mohamed Akli Achabou & Isabelle Aimé, IPAG Business School, France

Invited Speakers:

Carolyn Strong
Professor of Marketing, Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Special Session in "How to Do Better Research in Entrepreneurship?"

Organizer: Adnane Malaaoui, IPAG Business School, France

Invited Speakers:

Frédéric Delmar
Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, EM Lyon Business School, France
Erno Tornikoski
Professor Professor of Entrepreneurship, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France

Special Session on "Emerging Markets Finance: Markets, Institutions and Money" 

Organizers: Sabri Boubaker, South Champagne Business School, FranceDuc Khuong NguyenIPAG Business School, France & Indiana University, United States

Invited Speaker:

Jonathan A. Batten
CIMB-UUM Chair Professor of Finance, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

Special Session on "Public-Private Cooperations and Value Creation"

Organizers: Marco Buso, CRIEP-University of Padova, Italy, Luciano Greco, CRIEP-University of Padova, Italy, Tra TranIPAG Business School, France

Invited Speakers:

Bertrand Quélin
Professor of Strategy and Business Policy, HEC, France
Stéphane Straub
President of European Development Network, Professor of Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, France


Subconference in "Business Ethics, CSR and Diversity Management: Towards Social Inclusiveness, Environmental Efficiency and Global Sustainability"

Organizers: Maria Giuseppina Bruna & Béchir Ben Lahouel, IPAG Business School, France

Invited Speakers:

Yochanan Altman
Professor, Middlesex University London, United Kingdom & Editor in Chief of European Management Review
Guoliang Yang
Full Professor, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Joana Vassilopoulou
Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management, Brunel University London, United Kingdom

Subconference in Family Business Research  

OrganizerAndrea Calabro, IPAG Business School, France

Invited Speakers:

Davide Ravasi
Head of “Strategy and Entrepreneurship”, UCL School of Management, United Kingdom
Prof. Alain Verbeke
Research Director of the Strategy and Organization Area, McCaig Research Chair in Management

Subconference in Environmental Economics 

Organizers: Ingmar SchumacherIPAG Business School, FranceEric StroblUniversity of Bern, SwitzerlandCees WithagenIPAG Business School & Vrije University, The Netherlands.

Invited Speakers:

Carolyn Fischer
Professor of Environmental Economics, Vrije University, The Netherlands
Antony Millner
Associate Professorial Research Fellow, London School of Economics, United Kingdom

IRMBAM2019 presents 5 Best Paper Awards of 1000€ for each.

  • The Most Inspiring Managerial Implications Award

"Competing for policy: Lobbying in the EU wholesale roaming regulation" (Amanda Alves, Paris Dauphine University, France, Nada Mimouni, Paris Dauphine University, France, Timothy Yeung, Paris Dauphine University, France, EricBrousseau, Paris Dauphine University, France)

  • The Best Paper Award in Management

"When is a more powerful leader better? Empirical evidence on CEO duality from family Italian listed firms" (Domenico Cambrea, Bocconi University, Italy, PaoloTenuta, University of Calabria, Italy, Fabio Quarato, Bocconi University, Italy, Yuliya Ponomareva, ESADE Business School, Spain)

  • The Best Paper Award in Marketing

"Peer-influence and social network endorsement for different nonprofits and for-profit companies" (MaryamTofighi, California State University, United States, Ebrahim Mazaheri, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada, Jeffrey Anderson, California State University, United States)

  • The Best Paper Award in Economics and Finance

"The carbon abatement game" (Christoph Hambel, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany, Kraft Holger, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany, Eduardo S. Schwartz, Simon Fraser University, Canada)

  • The Rosemont International Family Business Award

"The impact of the transformational leadership approach on successions in family businesses" (Petra Moog, University of Siegen, Germany, Richard Overödder, University of Siegen, Germany)

The recipient of the awards:

  • Addresses a significant organizational phenomenon
  • Shows appropriate consideration of relevant theoretical and empirical literature
  • Offers reasonable interpretations of the research results, draws appropriate inferences about the theoretical and applied implications of the results, and suggests promising directions for future research
  • Yields information that is both practically and theoretically relevant and important
  • Presented logically, succinctly, and clearly

Award Committee Charges:

  • Track and Subconference committees select one submission to nominate for these prestigious awards.
  • The Conference Co-chairs have the responsibility of selecting the final candidates for the Awards.

Presentation of Awards:

  • The 4 Awards are presented during the Gala Dinner on July 8th.



The Journal of Strategic Marketing has a Special Issue on the theme "Brands facing the digital challenge" for papers presented at #IRMBAM2019.


The Journal of Organizational Change Management has a Special Issue for papers presented at the #IRMBAM2019.


The Revue de l'entrepreneuriat has a Special Issue "Nascent entrepreneurs: From Intentions to Actions" for papers presented at #IRMBAM2019.


The journal Gestion 2000 has a Special Issue for papers presented at the #IRMBAM2019.


The journal Question(s) de Management has a Special Issue "Ethics & Prospective" for papers presented at the #IRMBAM2019.


The "Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels" has a Special Issue "Diversity in Higher Education" for papers presented at #IRMBAM2019.

The Journal of Risk and Financial Management has a topical collection on "Trends in Emerging Markets Finance, Institutions and Money", under the Guest Editorship of Prof. Stéphane Goutte (University of Paris 8) and Prof. Duc Khuong Nguyen (IPAG Business School & Indiana University). Please see the Call for Papers for more details.


A Special Issue of "Administrative Sciences" on "Innovation in the Public Sector: Determinants, Process and Performance Impacts" under the Guest-editorship of Dr. Marco Buso (University of Padova) and Dr. Tra Tran (IPAG Business School). Please see the Call for Papers for more details.


The Subconference in "Business Ethics, CSR and Diversity Management: Towards Social Inclusiveness, Environmental Efficiency and Global Sustainability" will be honored by a Special Session in Finance Research Letterson the topic ‘CSR & Financial Performance: Facing Methodological and Modeling Issues’ Promoted by the IPAG Chair ‘Towards an Inclusive Company". Please see the Call for Papers for more details. 

Call for Papers



Tra Tran, IPAG Business School, France

Damien Chaney, South Champagne Business School, France

Ted Loch-Temzelides, Rice University, United States

Marco Buso, CRIEP, University of Padova, Italy

Patrick Musso, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

Samir Saadi, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Canada

Eric Strobl, University of Bern, Switzerland

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