You are cordially invited to submit your research papers for presentation at the 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (#IRMBAM-2019) that will take place on 8-10 July 2019 in Nice, the beautiful capital of the French Riviera and one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations.
This will be an excellent networking opportunity for academics, doctoral students, and practitioners to present new research results, and discuss current and challenging issues in various management and finance fields:
Track 1: Accounting/Financial Accounting
Track 2: Banking, Insurance and Finance
Track 3: Entrepreneurship
Track 4: Strategic Management
Track 5: Marketing
Track 6: Law and Management
Track 7: Operations, Supply Chain Management and Circular Economy
Track 8: Organisational Behavior, Communication and Information Systems
Track 9: Management and Economics Issues in the Public Sector (and non-profit)
Special Session "How to Do Better Research in Entrepreneurship?"
Special Session on "Emerging Markets Finance: Markets, Institutions and Money"
Special Session on "Public Private Cooperation and Value Creation" (call for papers)
Subconference in "Business Ethics, CSR and Diversity Management: Towards Social Inclusiveness, Environmental Efficiency and Global Sustainability" (call for papers)
#IRMBAM-2019 is honored to welcome three Distinguished Keynote Speakers
Zoltan Acs
University Professor, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, United States & Editor-in-Chief of Small Business Economics
Zoltan Acs
Prof. Zoltan Acs, University Professor, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, United States & Editor-in-Chief of Small Business Economics
Zoltan J. Acs is University Professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government and Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Public Policy. He is coeditor and founder of Small Business Economics, the leading entrepreneurship and small business publication in the world. He is also a visiting profes¬sor at Imperial College Business School in London. His career has focused on the link between innovation and entrepreneurship in industries, cities, and worldwide. In May 2010 Acs joined the Office of Advocacy as chief economist. As chief economist, Acs focuses on small business dynamics and entrepreneurship. Acs served as chief economic advisor in Advocacy’s Office of Economic Research from 1996 to 1998, has known all of the chief counsels, and has performed important research under contract. Most recently, he was the coauthor of the Advocacy report, High-Impact Firms: Gazelles Revisited (2008), with William Parsons and Spencer Tracy. He also prepared special reports for the White House, the Administrator, congressional committees, congressional hearings and the public, and furnished economic advice and counsel for important governmental action decisions as they affect small business. He has provided many years guiding the development of policy and information on small business across numerous organizations. Acs helped establish the Max Planck Institute for Economics in Jena, Germany, and was Scholar-in-Residence at the Kauffman Foundation. He has served as: Research Fellow at the U. S. Bureau of the Census, Chief Economic Advisor at the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), Associate Director of Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of Maryland, Research Fellow at the Science Center Berlin, and Research Associate at the Institute on Western Europe at Columbia University. Professor Acs was the Doris and Robert McCurdy Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, in the Robert G. Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore and has held faculty positions at Middlebury College and The University of Illinois-Springfield. Professor Acs is a leading advocate of the importance of entrepreneurship for economic development. His policy initiatives take a broad view of public policy encompassing the individual, the economy, international aspects, the region and social policy. He received the 2001 International Award for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research, on behalf of The Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development. He has published more than 100 articles and 20 books, including articles in the American Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Kyklos, Journal of Urban Economics, Economica, Research Policy and Science Policy. Professor Acs is currently on leave at the London School of Economics.
Jason D. Shaw
Shaw Foundation Chair in Business, Nanyang Business School, Singapore & Editor-in-chief of Academy of Management Journal
Jason D. Shaw
Prof. Jason D. Shaw, Shaw Foundation Chair in Business, Nanyang Business School & Editor of Academy of Management Journal
Jason D. Shaw is Shaw Foundation Chair in Business, Nanyang Business School, Singapore. Jason was recently Yeung Kin Man Professor in Business Administration, Chair Professor of Management, Head of Department of Management and Marketing, and Director of the Centre for Leadership and Innovation in the Faculty of Business at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Academy of Management Journal. His research has appeared or been accepted for publication in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Management, among other scientific outlets. He has been invited for visiting scholar positions and other speaking engagements in China, Finland, Austria, Denmark, Norway, England, Germany, Hong Kong, Spain, Israel, Macau, Ghana, Ethiopia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Belgium, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Thailand, Switzerland, and the USA. Prior to his appointment at PolyU, he was the Curtis L. Carlson School-wide Professor in the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, the Clark Material Handling Company Professor at the University of Kentucky, an assistant professor at Drexel University, and an analyst for the Boeing Company. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas in 1997. <
Alain Verbeke
Research Director of the Strategy and Organization Area, McCaig Research Chair in Management, University of Calgary, Canada & Editor in Chief of Journal of International Business Studies
Prof. Alain Verbeke
Prof. Alain Verbeke, Research Director of the Strategy and Organization Area, McCaig Research Chair in Management, Professor of International Business Strategy; Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, United States Editor in Chief of Journal of International Business Studies
Dr. Alain Verbeke is a Professor of International Business Strategy and holds the McCaig Research Chair in Management at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary. He is also the Research Director of the Strategy and Organization Area at the Haskayne School of Business. In 2014, Dr. Verbeke was elected as the Inaugural Alan M. Rugman Memorial Fellow at the Henley Business School, University of Reading (UK). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Business Studies (2017 – 2019). Earlier in his career, Dr. Verbeke served as the Director of the MBA programme, Solvay Business School, University of Brussels (VUB). He has been a Visiting Professor at Dalhousie University, the University of Toronto and the Université Catholique de Louvain, as well as an Associate Fellow of Templeton College (University of Oxford). He has also been an Academic Associate of the Centre for International Business and Management, Judge Business School (University of Cambridge) and was associated with Skolkovo Institute for Emerging Market Studies (SIEMS), as an affiliated researcher. In June 2016, he was appointed as a Non-Resident Fellow with the Center for Emerging Market Studies, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai, China. Dr. Verbeke is an elected Fellow of the Academy of International Business, and has served as Secretary and Treasurer of the Fellows. Dr. Verbeke has been a member of the European Science and Technology Assembly (ESTA), the highest advisory body to the European Commission on the future of European scientific and innovation policy and has served on the board of directors of various educational and scientific research institutions. He is a leading thinker on complex project evaluation, the strategic management of multinational networks, as well as the governance and restructuring of complex organizations. In the consulting sphere, Dr. Verbeke has personally directed over 100 strategic management projects, most of these with a focus on the interface between large-scale investment programs and governance challenges. His academic research agenda consists of revisiting, rethinking and augmenting the core paradigms in strategic management and international business, especially internalization theory, which is a joint transaction cost economics and resource based view of the firm, focused on the governance of new resource combinations. He has particular expertise in the management of headquarters - subsidiary relationships and broader governance challenges in large multinational enterprises. Dr. Verbeke has authored or edited more than 30 books and more than 200 refereed publications, including many articles in leading scholarly journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies, the Strategic Management Journal and the Journal of Management Studies. .
Special Session on "Brands and Ethics"
Organizers:Mohamed Akli Achabou & Isabelle Aimé, IPAG Business School, France
Invited Speakers:
Carolyn Strong
Professor of Marketing, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Carolyn Strong
Carolyn Strong, Professor of Marketing, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Dr. Carolyn Strong is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Cardiff Business School where she teaches post graduate marketing and ethical issues in marketing to under graduate students. She is BSc Business Management Programme Director. Dr Strong received her Ph.D from the University of Wales. She has published in Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, European Journal of Marketing and Journal of Advertising, among others. She is the Editor of the Journal of Strategic Marketing.
Special Session in "How to Do Better Research in Entrepreneurship?"
Organizer:Adnane Malaaoui, IPAG Business School, France
Invited Speakers:
Frédéric Delmar
Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, EM Lyon Business School, France
Frédéric Delmar
Frédéric Delmar, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, EM Lyon Business School, France
Professor Professor of Entrepreneurship, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Erno Tornikoski
Erno Tornikoski, Professor Professor of Entrepreneurship, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Erno TORNIKOSKI is a Professor in Entrepreneurship at Grenoble Ecole de Management. He received his doctorate from ESSEC Business School, IAE Aix-en-Provence, and Vaasa University (Finland) in 2005. He has worked at ESC Saint-Etienne as Dean of the Faculty and Research, at EMLYON as Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship, and at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Finland) as Principal Lecturer and Research Manager. His research interests are related to new venture creation (legitimacy, personal network, initial conditions), sustainable venturing, hybrid entrepreneurship, and new venture growth. His published research has appeared in JBV, ETP, SBE, etc. Erno is currently member of the Energy Management -research team in Grenoble Ecole de Management and developing the theme of Sustainable Venturing. Erno is engaged in many international academic services. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Small Business Management, and Consulting Editor of the International Small Business Journal, and in a member of Review Boards of JBV, ETP, JSBM, and Journal of World Business. He is also member of the Research Committee of the Entrepreneurship Division (AOM) and Board of Reviewers of BCERC (Babson Conference). Erno has been an expert evaluator of candidates for academic positions in Oulu Business School of Oulu University (2013) and School of Economics and Management of Lund University (2016). Erno also has experiences in auditing quality assurance systems of higher education institutions. Appointed by the Finnish Education Evaluation Center, he has audited Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2007 (member of peer review team), Saimaa University of Applied Sciences in 2010 (Chairman of peer review team), and Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2016 (Chairman of internatiional peer review team).
Special Session on "Emerging Markets Finance: Markets, Institutions and Money"
Organizers:Sabri Boubaker,South Champagne Business School, France & Duc Khuong Nguyen, IPAG Business School, France & Indiana University, United States
Invited Speaker:
Jonathan A. Batten
CIMB-UUM Chair Professor of Finance, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Jonathan A. Batten
Jonathan A. Batten, CIMB-UUM Chair Professor of Finance, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Jonathan A. Batten is the CIMB-UUM Chair Professor in Banking and Finance at University Utara Malaysia. Prior to this position he worked as a Professor in Finance at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Monash University and Seoul National University, Korea. He is the managing editor of Elsevier’s highly ranked Emerging Markets Review, and Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money, and co-editor of Finance Research Letters. Jonathan’s research crosses several disciplines: in the business area he has published in journals used by the Financial Times for ranking business schools (e.g. Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and the Journal of International Business Studies). In addition, he has also published work in leading journals in applied mathematics (e.g. Chaos and Physica A), in environmental studies (Energy Economics, Energy Policy and Resources Policy), and importantly in economic policy (e.g. Applied Economics and the World Bank Research Observer). His current research focus is based on assessing the impact to financial markets of the expected worldwide shift to renewable energy. In addition, he has received several external research grants from the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the international payments organisation SWIFT, and the international regulator, the Bank for International Settlements. He is the current President of the Eurasian Business and Economics Society (EBES) and has served on many national external research committees in economics and finance. He is currently an external appointee on the Academic Council of the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Special Sessionon"Public-Private Cooperations and Value Creation"
Organizers:Marco Buso, CRIEP-University of Padova, Italy,Luciano Greco, CRIEP-University of Padova, Italy,Tra Tran, IPAG Business School, France
Invited Speakers:
Bertrand Quélin
Professor of Strategy and Business Policy, HEC, France
Bertrand Quélin
Bertrand Quélin, Professor of Strategy and Business Policy, HEC, France
Bertrand Quélin obtained his Doctorate Degree in Economics from the University of Paris. His research interests include economics of organization, transaction cost economics, and public-private partnerships. He has authored and co-authored several papers published in international journals (Academy of Management Perspectives, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, Research Policy, Strategic Organization ...) and numerous chapters in collective books. In parallel with his research activities, he has served during his academic career. From 1999 to 2005, he has been Associate Dean for the Ph.D. program. From 1994 to 1999, then from 2006 to 2012, he was Academic Director of the HEC MSc in Strategic Management. From 2013 to 2018, he has been the Head of the Strategy and Business Policy department. To complement his profile, he has been twice Visiting Research Scholar at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, and then Visiting Professor at Insper (São Paulo - Brazil) in 2012. He is a regular Visiting Professor at the Fundação Getulio Vargas (EBAPE - Rio de Janeiro). He has taught in numerous countries within and outside Europe at both the graduate degree and executive education levels.
Stéphane Straub
President of European Development Network, Professor of Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, France
Stéphane Straub
Stéphane Straub, President of European Development Network, Professor of Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, France
Full Professor, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Guoliang Yang
Guoliang Yang, Full Professor, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Prof. Dr. Guo-liang Yang obtained his Ph.D degree of Management Science from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013. He is currently a full professor at the Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 12/01/2014 to 10/03/2016 he visited Fraunhofer Institute for System and Innovation (ISI) in Germany as a research fellow fully supported by DAAD, and Manchester Business School and Aston Business School in UK as a research fellow fully supported by Newton Fund. His research interests are performance measurement, science and technology policy, and decision theory and methods. In recent years he has published over 100 papers on refereed academic journals including European Journal of Operational Research, Omega, Computers & Operations Research,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Informetrics, Scientometrics, Energy, Energy Policy, Knowledge-based Systems, Central European Journal of Operational Research, etc.
Joana Vassilopoulou
Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management, Brunel University London, United Kingdom
Joana Vassilopoulou
Joana Vassilopoulou,Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management, Brunel University London, United Kingdom & Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, & Section Editor of European Management Review
Dr Vassilopoulou is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in HRM at Brunel Business School, Brunel University London, UK. Her research focuses on race and gender equality at work, highly skilled migrants, migration, diversity management and talent management, from a critical and international comparative perspective. Joana Vassilopoulou has an established academic and professional record in the field of diversity and inclusion, is frequently invited to deliver talks and she has organised and hosted the international Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) conference. She is also collaborating with the European Network against Racism (ENAR), Brussels/Belgium by contributing to events and conferences and planning the conference titled: Beyond the business case for diversity: Using ethnic diversity as a case in point, at Loreal Paris/France. She holds a visiting Professorship at Dauphine University, Paris /France and at teh University of Wuppertal/Germany and is an associated faculty member at the Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam/Netherlands. Her academic appointments have spanned the fields of organisational behaviour, human resource management, and corporate social responsibility. Joana is also an Associate Editor of the European Management Review (EMR), a board member of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) and the UK National Representative of EURAM. She has published in edited collections and journals such as the European Journal of Industrial Relations, International Business Review and the International Journal of Human Resource Management. Dr Vassilopoulou is the recipient of a visiting scholarship at Sydney University’s business school (2017); winner of the Transnational Best Paper Award at the American Academy of Management conference (2012); and the recipient of University of East Anglia’s Norwich Business School Diversity and Equality in Careers and Employment Research PhD scholarship (2007-2010). She has a PhD in Management from Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia and her Sociology diploma from the University Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
Subconference in Family Business Research
Organizer: Andrea Calabro, IPAG Business School, France
Invited Speakers:
Davide Ravasi
Head of “Strategy and Entrepreneurship”, UCL School of Management, United Kingdom
Davide Ravasi
Davide Ravasi, Head of “Strategy and Entrepreneurship”, UCL School of Management, United Kingdom
Prior of joining the UCL School of Management, he was a Professor of Management at the Cass Business School, London, and Bocconi University, Milano, where he also received his PhD in Business Administration and Management. He is also Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Aalto School of Business, Helsinki, and has been visiting the Rotterdam School of Management, Copenhagen Business School, University of Lugano, and at the International Hellenic University of Thessaloniki. He has served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Management Studies (2010-2013) and sits on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Management, the Journal of Management Studies, and Strategic Organization. He is currently serving as Chair of the Organization and Management Theory (OMT) Division of the Academy of Management.
Prof. Alain Verbeke
Research Director of the Strategy and Organization Area, McCaig Research Chair in Management
Prof. Alain Verbeke
Prof. Alain Verbeke, Research Director of the Strategy and Organization Area, McCaig Research Chair in Management, Professor of International Business Strategy; Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, United States Editor in Chief of Journal of International Business Studies
Dr. Alain Verbeke is a Professor of International Business Strategy and holds the McCaig Research Chair in Management at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary. He is also the Research Director of the Strategy and Organization Area at the Haskayne School of Business. In 2014, Dr. Verbeke was elected as the Inaugural Alan M. Rugman Memorial Fellow at the Henley Business School, University of Reading (UK). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Business Studies (2017 – 2019). Earlier in his career, Dr. Verbeke served as the Director of the MBA programme, Solvay Business School, University of Brussels (VUB). He has been a Visiting Professor at Dalhousie University, the University of Toronto and the Université Catholique de Louvain, as well as an Associate Fellow of Templeton College (University of Oxford). He has also been an Academic Associate of the Centre for International Business and Management, Judge Business School (University of Cambridge) and was associated with Skolkovo Institute for Emerging Market Studies (SIEMS), as an affiliated researcher. In June 2016, he was appointed as a Non-Resident Fellow with the Center for Emerging Market Studies, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai, China. Dr. Verbeke is an elected Fellow of the Academy of International Business, and has served as Secretary and Treasurer of the Fellows. Dr. Verbeke has been a member of the European Science and Technology Assembly (ESTA), the highest advisory body to the European Commission on the future of European scientific and innovation policy and has served on the board of directors of various educational and scientific research institutions. He is a leading thinker on complex project evaluation, the strategic management of multinational networks, as well as the governance and restructuring of complex organizations. In the consulting sphere, Dr. Verbeke has personally directed over 100 strategic management projects, most of these with a focus on the interface between large-scale investment programs and governance challenges. His academic research agenda consists of revisiting, rethinking and augmenting the core paradigms in strategic management and international business, especially internalization theory, which is a joint transaction cost economics and resource based view of the firm, focused on the governance of new resource combinations. He has particular expertise in the management of headquarters - subsidiary relationships and broader governance challenges in large multinational enterprises. Dr. Verbeke has authored or edited more than 30 books and more than 200 refereed publications, including many articles in leading scholarly journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies, the Strategic Management Journal and the Journal of Management Studies. .
Subconference in Environmental Economics
Organizers:Ingmar Schumacher, IPAG Business School, France; Eric Strobl, University of Bern, Switzerland; Cees Withagen, IPAG Business School & Vrije University, The Netherlands.
Invited Speakers:
Carolyn Fischer
Professor of Environmental Economics, Vrije University, The Netherlands
Carolyn Fischer
Carolyn Fischer, Professor of Environmental Economics, Vrije University, The Netherlands
Carolyn Fischer is professor of environmental economics at VU-Amsterdam, a senior fellow with Resources for the Future, a Tinbergen Institute affiliate, and a fellow of the CESifo Research Network. She was the Marks Visiting Professor at Gothenburg University 2017-2018 and an EU Marie SkÅ‚odowska–Curie Fellow 2014-2016. She currently serves as Vice President and Council Member for the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. She is co-editor of Environmental and Resource Economics and serves on the editorial board of the Review of Environmental Economics and Policy and the International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics. She earned her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor in 1997.
Antony Millner
Associate Professorial Research Fellow, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Antony Millner
Antony Millner,Associate Professorial Research Fellow, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Antony works on a variety of issues in economics, with a focus on applications to environmental problems. His current research projects include work on climate change economics, discounting, and the political economy of policy choice. Antony completed his PhD at Oxford University in 2010, and spent two years as a Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He also has a Masters degrees in Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics from Cambridge University and the University of Cape Town.
IRMBAM2019 presents 5 Best Paper Awards of 1000€ for each.
The Most Inspiring Managerial Implications Award
"Competing for policy: Lobbying in the EU wholesale roaming regulation" (Amanda Alves, Paris Dauphine University, France, Nada Mimouni, Paris Dauphine University, France, Timothy Yeung, Paris Dauphine University, France, EricBrousseau, Paris Dauphine University, France)
The Best Paper Award in Management
"When is a more powerful leader better? Empirical evidence on CEO duality from family Italian listed firms" (Domenico Cambrea, Bocconi University, Italy, PaoloTenuta, University of Calabria, Italy, Fabio Quarato, Bocconi University, Italy, Yuliya Ponomareva, ESADE Business School, Spain)
The Best Paper Award in Marketing
"Peer-influence and social network endorsement for different nonprofits and for-profit companies" (MaryamTofighi, California State University, United States, Ebrahim Mazaheri, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada, Jeffrey Anderson, California State University, United States)
The Best Paper Award in Economics and Finance
"The carbon abatement game" (Christoph Hambel, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany, Kraft Holger, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany, Eduardo S. Schwartz, Simon Fraser University, Canada)
The Rosemont International Family Business Award
"The impact of the transformational leadership approach on successions in family businesses" (Petra Moog, University of Siegen, Germany, Richard Overödder, University of Siegen, Germany)
The recipient of the awards:
Addresses a significant organizational phenomenon
Shows appropriate consideration of relevant theoretical and empirical literature
Offers reasonable interpretations of the research results, draws appropriate inferences about the theoretical and applied implications of the results, and suggests promising directions for future research
Yields information that is both practically and theoretically relevant and important
Presented logically, succinctly, and clearly
Award Committee Charges:
Track and Subconference committees select one submission to nominate for these prestigious awards.
The Conference Co-chairs have the responsibility of selecting the final candidates for the Awards.
Presentation of Awards:
The 4 Awards are presented during the Gala Dinner on July 8th.
The Journal of Strategic Marketing has a Special Issue on the theme"Brands facing the digital challenge" for papers presented at #IRMBAM2019.
The Journal of Risk and Financial Management has a topical collection on "Trends in Emerging Markets Finance, Institutions and Money", under the Guest Editorship of Prof. Stéphane Goutte (University of Paris 8) and Prof. Duc Khuong Nguyen (IPAG Business School & Indiana University). Please see the Call for Papers for more details.
A Special Issue of "Administrative Sciences" on "Innovation in the Public Sector: Determinants, Process and Performance Impacts" under the Guest-editorship of Dr. Marco Buso (University of Padova) and Dr. Tra Tran (IPAG Business School). Please see the Call for Papers for more details.
The Subconference in "Business Ethics, CSR and Diversity Management: Towards Social Inclusiveness, Environmental Efficiency and Global Sustainability" will be honored by a Special Session in Finance Research Letters, on the topic ‘CSR & Financial Performance: Facing Methodological and Modeling Issues’ Promoted by the IPAG Chair ‘Towards an Inclusive Company". Please see the Call for Papers for more details.